Safety Riding .. . Where Sih?

Conditions such as at this time to create a motorcycle to be the choice most practical and economical means of transportation for both private and family.

Ability through the way that is relatively small (dark slip) as if to make a motor vehicle free of traffic jams and effective, while fuel consumption is also very economical to make this vehicle is very economical.

But I also so easy to obtain when a motorcycle, but not at the same time with awareness learn to drive well and safely.We still see many people in my motorhome with sekencang-kencangnya, or very slow and others are also dangerous to himself around other people.

According to the survey team riding safety course, more than 50% of motorcycle accidents caused by human factors themselves, in addition to vehicle and environmental factors.

There we may need to join a motorcycle club. Whether it is a kind of motor clubs and motor clubs various brands, the club is important that we can build a Username good and orderly. Motorcycle club a good club is one of them concerned with safety and security driving.

Some of the clubs that I know, doing special events to train and provide enlightenment about the safety and security driving.Even for the event also included several vendors as a sponsor, which means that all agreed the importance of safety.

Safety Riding !Similarly, the term Safety Driving a car for the user, the term safety Riding to the driving behavior of the ideal must have a sufficient level of security for themselves and others.

Riding Safety in training, is presented in theory and practice.
Generally described in the theory about driving safety, the importance of heating the body while driving desire, readiness of the vehicle, the ideal driving position, and others.

Readiness required to drive a motorcycle, among others:

Glove hand, should have a layer that can cover both hands and the materials that can absorb sweat and not slippery when holding the grip / handle motor.

, it is able to protect the entire body of both terpaan wind and negative effects of the usual going small and large.

(at least Half Face), should be able to give more protection to the head, the point that this is always missed by typical users Username helmet clamp and the like.

Shoes, to be able to give comfort and security for all layers feet.

In general practice training for Safety Riding taught:

Braking technique with the only brake on the front, rear brake, and a combination of both. This technique to get Username to distinguish the two functions of the brake while trying to stop pro-acceleration.

Technique with the cone in the slalom track. This technique to see the ability to quickly turn from the left to right and vice versa

Technical running track in the style of bumpy-road, to get this technique to provide a Username comfort when the road is not bumpy or mulus.

Engineering at the track driving straight and narrow blade with the assumption of a vehicle running on the road and covered a small bottleneck. This technique to get away for the Username can do to keep handling without decreasing the speed in the lower leg.

Security devices such as knee and elbow decker plus helmets become mandatory for the trainees Safety Riding.

Of material like this is expected to appear niatan from the rider to get themselves to give the efforts safety driving. Easy-easy to difficult, it turns out that appear in the mind after all the participants in the practice session is done.
Among the many points that all participants have learned the meaning of each with the conclusion that driving safety is needed to reduce the number of accidents dijalan.Yes! All starts from ourselves, would that result if a short course can be shared with colleagues another fellow rider.

Proofed that we are able to drive well, not frivolous, not reckless, abiding traffic, and respect for fellow road users and provide a positive example to fellow road users.

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